Friday, January 8, 2010

The Dyksterhouse family has a great backyard!

This session was so much fun! We found little places all over the yard to play around, and the weather for mid-November was crazy warm. What a great family, and what beautiful people they all are.

Oh, and yes, we do still do portraits in Kalamazoo--more posts to come from fall sessions in the Kzoo area!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

A Beginning

Here we are...two artists...sharing our love of photography. We are passionate about what we do--catching those moments, whether it's a drop of water on a flower's petal in spring or the gleam in your child's eye as she licks an ice cream cone. We document life as it happens--beautiful, funny or touching. Check out what we've been up to lately...

Thell is an 8th grader!

Thell seemed a little nervous at first, but as we walked around and snapped a pose here and there, she relaxed and became a real natural in front of the camera. Her personality really shows through in the images. She began to suggest poses and new spots to try. What a great kid! May God richly bless you as you enter a new stage of your life next year.